With Summer just around the corner, and borders opening up, Dreamworld is preparing its theme parks for its “Biggest Summer Ever”.
We popped in to give you a look at some of the parks projects.
Lego Revitalised
At the entrance (or exit) of the park, the Lego Store is currently going through a major refresh. Limited Lego is still available for purchase in the space next to the Lego store during its closure. You can also still purchase your Lego online through their online store.

Dreamworld Express
Work has commenced on resurrecting the Dreamworld Express. The parks train has been closed since Covid hit our shores, and has remained closed due to the distruption Steel Taipans construction has caused to its track layout.

Green Bean Coffee Co Refurbishment
Work continues on the refurbishment of the Green Bean Coffee Co store on Main Street. The stores exterior has received a nice fresh coat of paint.

A Legend Returns - Little Puff
Little Puff, a train that many may not know the name of, has returned after en extensive refurbishment. Little Puff was a circus train at Dreamworld, running on the “Enchanted Forest Railway” in the 1990’s. After the ride was closed, the little train was placed on Main Street as a photo opportunity, where it has had multiple looks and styles since.

This refurbishment has taken the train back to its original styling, and has been placed on Main Street for everyone to enjoy.
Thats all for today’s update. What are you most looking forward to this summer? The Dreamworld Express, Steel Taipan? Something Else?